Organic Chemistry

Chemist in LabSatisfy your Organic Chemistry Requirement
in Just 10 Weeks this Summer!

  Request Information

Many pre-professional students need to take two semesters of organic chemistry with a lab. CSUDH's College of Continuing and Professional Education offers a 10-week series of intensive summer classes that satisfies this requirement. Because students are focused on a single class, they often perform better than by taking the classes with a full course load.

The CSUDH College of Continuing and Professional Education has offered this program since 1977. Students from colleges all over Southern California and the US have taken the course and transferred the credit into their university. In addition, the classes help prepare students for the MCAT and DAT exams.

Important Notes:

  • In-person registration is not available for these courses.
  • We recommend all activated students register online via MyCSUDH to avoid extended phone wait times.
  • If you are registering for a Lab OR Lecture section ONLY, you MUST register via phone; you cannot register online for a single Lab or Lecture section.
  • Only one student may register per phone call.

Admitted CSUDH students may register beginning Monday, March 17, 2025 at 8:00 am PT.

Students from other schools may register beginning Monday, March 24, 2025 at 8:00 am PT.


Registration Instructions

To start the Registration process, choose your student type (CSUDH or Non-CSUDH) and READ AND REVIEW the Instructions below:


Registration Process for CSUDH Students ONLY

Registration Process for CSUDH Students:

  1. On Monday, March 17, beginning at 8:00 am PT, login to and register for your course(s).
    If you need assistance, call the CCPE Registration Office at 310-243-3741, Option 1.
    (DO NOT attempt to enroll in a class prior to the Monday, March 18 at 8am timestamp; all enrollments received before that time will be CANCELLED!)

  2. After you receive your course registration confirmation, login to your course content on Canvas, or access Canvas through MyCSUDH.
    Be aware that your course access may take 24–48 hours after registration for Canvas activation.

⚠ Once registered, we encourage you to STAY IN YOUR ENROLLED section. As demand is VERY HIGH, we cannot guarantee that you will be able to hold your spot if you change from one course section to another, and you may risk losing your enrollment altogether.

For questions, email: or call 310-243-2075.

Pre-Registration for Non-CSUDH Students — Due Date: Sat. March 22 @ 12:00 pm PT

PRE-Registration Process for Non-CSUDH Students:

  1. Download and complete our required interactive pre-registraton Interest Form ►

    PLEASE READ CAREFULLY: By completing this form, you are expressing your interest in registering for Organic Chemistry at CSUDH. This form is NOT a registration form, and DOES NOT secure a spot in any course. Due to extremely high demand for these courses, the CCPE Registration Office will create a student record on your behalf, which does not mean you are registered; however, it will expedite the process when registration opens on Monday, March 24.

  2. Submit the form to our CCPE Registration Office Dropbox ►

  3. You will receive an email beginning Friday, March 21.

    This email will include instructions on how to activate your MyCSUDH account; check your spam and/or junk folder to make sure you have received the email.
    (DO NOT attempt to enroll in a class prior to the Monday, March 24 at 8:00 am timestamp; all enrollments received before that time will be CANCELLED!)

  4. Once you have received the email and activated your account:
    On Monday, March 24, beginning at 8:00 am PT, login to and register for your course(s). If you have not received your email, call the CCPE Registration Office at 310-243-3741, Option 1 for assistance.

  5. After you receive your course registration confirmation, login to your course content on Canvas, or access Canvas through MyCSUDH. Be aware that your course access may take 24–48 hours after registration for Canvas activation.

⚠ Once registered, we encourage you to STAY IN YOUR ENROLLED section. As demand is VERY HIGH, we cannot guarantee that you will be able to hold your spot if you change from one course section to another, and you may risk losing your enrollment altogether.

For questions, email: or call 310-243-2075.

Registration Process for Non-Students with Newly Activated Accounts

Registration Process for Newly Activated Non-CSUDH Students:

On Monday, March 24, beginning at 8:00am PT, login to with your activated student account, and register for your course(s).
If you need assistance, call the CCPE Registration Office at 310-243-3741, Option 1.

(DO NOT attempt to enroll in any lecture or lab class prior to the Monday, March 24 at 8:00 am timestamp; all enrollments received before that time are being CANCELLED! Several students have already been cancelled—please don't be the next!)

REMINDER: You can only use MyCSUDH to register for BOTH the LECTURE/DISCUSSION AND LAB COURSES; you may not register for only one, and the system will NOT let you check out if you do not have both a course and lab. If you need to register for only a single lab or single course, please call the CCPE Registration Office after 8am PT on Monday, March 25 (and please be patient, as we anticipate a VERY high call volume).

  1. Log into MyCSUDH and click "Student Center" in the LaunchPad on the left side.
  2. In the Academics section, click "Enroll".
  3. In the "Enter Class Nbr" field, type the 5-digit CN (*Course Number located at the bottom of each course description below) of the lecture course in which you wish to enroll, and press "Enter".
    *PLEASE ENTER CAREFULLY: We cannot guarantee that your preferred course section will be available if you change/drop after the full registration process is complete, and we don't want anyone to lose their placement!
  4. Confirm that the lecture course information you selected is correct, and press "Next" to proceed (or "Cancel" to return to add a different CN).
  5. When you are returned to the Add Classes screen, confirm that your selected class has been entered in the Summer 2025 Shopping Cart (look for the ✅ green check mark).
  6. Repeat to #3—5 to add your lab course.
  7. When you see 2 green circles next to the lecture and lab courses you chose and are happy with your selection, you may click "Proceed to Step 2 of 3" towards the bottom of the screen.
  8. Again, confirm your classes: this is your last chance to make edits before the registration is finalized. When ready, click "Finish Enrolling".
  9. Review the final results, and if both classes have green checks, click "My Class Schedule" from either the top menu or the button below to view the courses as they will appear on your academic record.
  10. Click "Home" in the upper right corner to return to the MyCSUDH portal.
  11. Click "ToroPay" in the Launchpad on the left side. Click "I Agree" to be taken to the ToroPay website.
  12. Once connected, you will see a display of your most recent tuition balance (~$1,394.00 for 1 lecture + 1 lab + lab fee *) in the Student Account section.
  13. Click "Make Payment" to proceed through the check-out process.
  14. In the Pay By Term section, click the "Add" button to the right of the tuition amount, and then click "Continue" at the bottom of the display.
  15. On the Account Payment display, select your payment method from the "Method" dropdown menu, and then click "Continue".
  16. In the Selected Payment Method section, provide all required payment information, and then click "Continue to PayPath".
  17. Review your receipt; close the ToroPay browser window when complete, and return to the MyCSUDH portal window. Click "Home" in the top right to explore more options of the portal, or "Sign Out" to end your session.
  18. (OPTIONAL: To view the total cost/confirmation of payment, click "Student Center" again in the LaunchPad, and then go to the Finances section and click "Account Inquiry"; review the Account Summary section.)


⚠ Once registered, we encourage you to STAY IN YOUR ENROLLED section. As demand is VERY HIGH, we cannot guarantee that you will be able to hold your spot if you change from one course section to another, and you may risk losing your enrollment altogether.

For questions, email: or call 310-243-2075.
* Prices subject to change at any time.


Scheduled Organic Chemistry Classes:

 Organic Chemistry IOrganic Chemistry IILab ILab  II 

Organic Chemistry I • CHE 300 (online)

3 units
Prerequisite: CHE 112 or 1 year of general chemistry; concurrent enrollment in 301L
A detailed study of organic molecular structure, reaction mechanisms stereochemistry, and synthesis with emphasis on aliphatic and aromatic systems.

Dates: 5/19/2025—6/21/2025
Days: Mon-Tue-Wed-Thu
Time: 10:00am—12:15pm PT
Location: Online
Fee: $954
Instructor: N. Sturm, Ph.D.
Section: 41
CN: 36022


‍ Organic Chemistry I Lab • CHE 301L (on campus)

1 unit
Prerequisite: CHE 112 or 1 year of general chemistry; concurrent enrollment in CHE 300
Basic experimental techniques of organic chemistry. Eight hours of laboratory per week.

NOTE: Labs include initial hour held in alternate locations/online; consult with your instructor for specific instructions.

Dates: 5/22/2025—6/6/2025
Days: Tue + Thu
Time: 1:00pm—5:00pm PT
Location: SCI 341
Fee: $425 + $80 Lab Fee
Instructor: A Thangavel
Section: 71
CN: 36024

Dates: 5/21/2025—6/25/2025
Days: Mon + Wed
Time: 1:00pm—5:00pm PT
Location: SCI 341
Fee: $425 + $80 Lab Fee
Instructor: A Laradji
Section: 72
CN: 36025

Dates: 5/23/2025—6/20/2025
Days: Fri
Time: 8:00am—5:00pm PT
Location: SCI 341
Fee: $425 + $80 Lab Fee
Instructor: A Thangavel
Section: 73
CN: 36026

Dates: 5/21/2025—6/25/2025
Days: Mon + Wed
Time: 5:30pm—9:30pm PT
Location: SCI 341
Fee: $425 + $80 Lab Fee
Instructor: J Hathaway
Section: 74
CN: 36027

Dates: 5/25/2025—6/22/2025
Days: Sun
Time: 8:00am—5:00pm PT
Location: SCI 345
Fee: $425 + $80 Lab Fee
Instructor: A Thangavel
Section: 75

Dates: 5/24/2025—6/21/2025
Days: Sat
Time: 8:00am—5:00pm PT
Location: SCI 341
Fee: $425 + $80 Lab Fee
Instructor: A Diaz
Section: 77
CN: 36030


Organic Chemistry II • CHE 302 (online)

3 units
Prerequisites: CHE 300 and CHE 301; concurrent enrollment in CHE 303L
Continuation of CHE 300 with emphasis on the chemistry of organic compounds containing oxygen and nitrogen.

Dates: 06/23/2025—07/25/2025
Days: Mon-Tue-Wed-Thu
Time: 10:00am—12:15pm PT
Location: Online
Fee: $954
Instructor: N. Sturm, Ph.D.
Section: 41
CN: 36023


Organic Chemistry II Lab • CHE 303L (on campus)

1 unit
Prerequisite: CHE 112 or 1 year of general chemistry; concurrent enrollment in CHE 302
Preparation of organic compounds and qualitative organic analysis.

Dates: 6/30/2025—7/30/2025
Days: Mon + Wed
Time: 1:00pm—5:00pm PT
Location: SCI 341
Fee: $425 + $80 Lab Fee
Instructor: A Laradji
Section: 71
CN: 36031

Dates: 6/27/2025—8/1/2025
Days: Fri
Time: 8:00am—5:00pm PT
Location: SCI 341
Fee: $425 + $80 Lab Fee
Instructor: A Thangavel
Section: 72
CN: 36032

Dates: 6/28/2025—7/26/2025
Days: Sat
Time: 8:00am—5:00pm PT
Location: SCI 341
Fee: $425 + $80 Lab Fee
Instructor: A Diaz
Section: 73
CN: 36033

Dates: 6/30/2025—7/30/2025
Days: Mon + Wed
Time: 5:30pm—9:30pm PT
Location: SCI 341
Fee: $425 + $80 Lab Fee
Instructor: J Hathaway
Section: 74
CN: 36034

Dates: 6/29/2025—7/27/2025
Days: Sun
Time: 8:00am—5:00pm PT
Location: SCI 345
Fee: $425 + $80 Lab Fee
Instructor: A Thangavel
Section: 75
CN: 36035

Dates: 7/1/2025—7/31/2025
Days: Tue + Thu
Time: 1:00pm—5:00pm PT
Location: SCI 341
Fee: $425 + $80 Lab Fee
Instructor: A Thangavel
Section: 77
CN: 36037

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Last Updated: 2/26/2025

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

I'm a student at another college/university. Do CSUDH's Organic Chemistry courses qualify to meet my school's requirements?

You will need to ask your home campus to verify that our courses meet their requirements. However, our courses do qualify students to meet the needs required by most medical schools!

I attend a college/university that uses the quarter system. What are the expected dates so I can confirm the Organic Chemistry class schedules don't overlap my own courses?

Organic Chemistry classes are typically scheduled between late-May (after the Spring term officially ends) and mid-August (the last day of the Summer Sessions term).

I am a high school student; can I enroll in CSUDH Summer Organic Chemistry classes?

Unfortunately, no... Organic Chemistry classes are not open to high school students.

How do I complete the course listing area on the interest form?

Be sure to provide the Department/Section number, the 5-digit Course #/CN, the Course Title, and the Units; if you are requesting a Lab, you can provide Alternate CN numbers for your 2nd or 3rd choices (for example, if you prefer to take the Lab on the same day as the main course, but want to provide your preference for other lab sections in case your first choice is already full).

Organic Chemistry Pre-Registration Form Sample

After submitting the interest form, is my spot in the class guaranteed?

Completing the form indicates your interest in registering for courses but does not guarantee a spot. Enrollment is offered on a first-come, first-served basis once registration opens. The interest form process helps streamline registration for non-CSUDH students by providing an opportunity to register online.

I submitted the interest form and submitted it a while back... When will I receive an answer?

All Non-CSUDH students who successfully completed and submitted the pre-registration form to the CCPE Registration Office Dropbox will first receive an auto-response from Dropbox for receipt of the form.

You should expect to receive an additional response (either an instructional email or other correspondence) from the CCPE Registration beginning Friday, March 22. If you have not received a response by Monday, March 25 at 8am, please contact

If a class reaches capacity, is there still a chance to enroll?

Once a course reaches capacity, registration closes and enrollment is no longer available.

Since CSUDH students can register before non-CSUDH students, will there still be space when registration opens for non-CSUDH students?

Yes, courses typically do not fill up with CSUDH students alone. Many non-CSUDH students successfully secure spots, though classes do fill very quickly once registration opens for non-CSUDH students.

When registration opens, can I enroll online via MyCSUDH and call in to try to reserve a spot?

No... Please use only one method, as attempting to enroll via multiple methods may result in duplicate registrations, potentially blocking enrollment for other students and increasing the risk of cancellation of any enrollment you may have already secured. 

I have been waiting on the CCPE Registration Office phone line for quite a while now. How long does it take to get through?

We anticipate a very high call volume on the first day, but please BE PATIENT... If you are on hold and hear the rotating messaging, please STAY ON THE LINE. That means you are in queue! If you hang up and call back, you may risk waiting even longer to get through. 

I have received my student account information and got logged into MyCSUDH... But I get an error when trying to connect to Canvas! What do I do?

If you are new to CSUDH and have successfully logged into MyCSUDH, congratulations! 

Please be aware that for Non-CSUDH students, your accounts were created within the last 24-48 hours of your activation; Canvas access does not occur until at least 24 hours AFTER your student account has been activated. Additionally, Dr. Sturm has provided some insight: the course content is not been available to students early, as we are still several months ahead of the course start dates; courses expect to be available after Spring Break week.

Please feel free to return to this FAQ over the next few weeks for status updates as they are made available. 

Additional Information

Course Tuition Total

The cost for the lecture course is $909. The cost for the lab course is $405, plus an $80 lab fee. The total cost is $1,394. Payment is due in full at the time of registration. If you need payment assistance, contact the CCPE Registration Office directly. 

Course Prerequisites

If you have questions about course prerequisites, please email: 
Dr. Arumugam Thangavel •

Student Housing Information

If you live outside of the Los Angeles area, and need housing for the program, please contact CSUDH Conferencing for information.

Note: CSUDH is NOT responsible for accommodations before or during Organic Chemistry classes during the summer term. Seeking accommodations in near-by hotels is recommended.

Class Attendance

Classes will begin on time, as scheduled, and late or lack of participation for accommodation issues may affect the students’ learning outcomes.

Parking Information

Summer Parking Permits are $10/day, are required for on-campus parking, and can only be purchased in-person at the Campus Cashiers Office. Cash, checks, or money orders are the only accepted forms of payment. For additional information, please visit CSUDH Parking.


Drop Procedures

Students cannot drop Organic Chemistry courses themselves in the MyCSUDH student portal. 

In order to be dropped, please CALL the CCPE Registration Office at 310-243-3741 (Option 1) to be released from a course. 

Financial Aid

If you are a CSUDH student, you may be eligible for financial aid for this program. Please contact the Financial Aid Office for more information.

Non-CSUDH students are not eligible for CSUDH financial aid.

Online Student Access

Most CSUDH courses, whether on campus or online, utilize our Canvas LMS (online learning management system) platform. In addition, to be able to participate in online courses, students may need to use the Zoom videoconferencing system, which is accessed through the course's LMS.

How to Access Courses Online (including Zoom and system requirements) ►


Open Academic Programs 

Students who may need to take both Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry can take them concurrently. Please visit the individual program pages below: